Gift Options

There are many ways to make a meaningful gift to further the mission of the Sherman Lake YMCA Outdoor Center - and many gifts that offer benefits to you as well. It would be our pleasure to talk with you further about extending your impact in our community through planned giving.


The YMCA receives a gift provided for in a donor’s will. The gift may be a percentage of a donor’s estate, a specific dollar amount, the residual of the estate, or a certain piece of personal property. The gift reduces estate tax obligations.

Life Insurance Policies

When the YMCA is named as the beneficiary and owner of a life insurance policy the donor receives an immediate charitable income tax deduction. If the policy is not paid up, this tax deduction is approximately the policy’s present cash surrender value. If the donor chooses to continue paying the premiums, he/she will receive a charitable deduction(s) for the amount paid. The full face value of the policy is removed from the donor’s taxable estate.

Retirement Plans

Individuals at least 70 1/2 years of age are able to make tax-free gifts from IRA funds that would be subject to tax if withdrawn voluntarily or withdrawn under mandatory requirements. Donors may choose to make charitable contributions in any amount up to $100,000 per year. Couples with separate IRAs can each give up to that amount.

If you have not yet taken your required minimum distribution for the year, your IRA charitable rollover gift can satisfy all or part of that requirement.

Endowed Gifts

When you make a donation to an endowment fund, you are giving a gift with both immediate and long-term benefits. Donations to endowment funds are invested with a portion of the annual income from the investment used to address immediate needs at the Sherman Lake YMCA The remaining funds are reinvested to ensure indefinite support.

Memorials & Tributes

If you have a loved one who has been impacted by the Sherman Lake YMCA, establishing a memorial or tribute gift is a meaningful way to honor them while supporting our mission to build a stronger community.

Real Estate

There are several types of real estate gifts. A donor may contribute real estate outright or transfer it in a bargain sale. A donor can use real estate to fund a gift annuity or a net income antitrust, thus converting a non-income producing asset that is presumably highly-appreciated into a life-income arrangement with significant tax benefits. Finally, a donor may make a gift of his or her residence to the YMCA while retaining the right to live in the residence for the rest of his or her life. The donor receives a tax deduction at the time of the gift and when the donor dies the property goes to the YMCA.

Contact Us

If you’d like to explore your options of leaving a legacy with the Y, please complete the form below or contact our CEO, Zach Klipsch, at 269.731.3000 or by email.

The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult your attorney or tax advisor.